Who Is Slacklining For? — Is it for me?

Ever thought about slacklining ? 

Have you ever seen one of those cool slackline photos or videos of a sweet static pose or tricky transition? You take a close look and think “Wow, this is amazing but how do they do that? I can barely stand up on my own two feet.” I get it…I totally get it. Before I started slacklining a few years ago, I certainly did not foresee myself doing yoga poses on a 1″ webbing 3 or more feet off the ground.

There are so many amazing slackline and highline locations in beautiful Central Oregon.

Now, I love playing on the Slackline and have learned so much about myself from this practice. During my journey thus far, I have concluded that slacklining is for anyone! All it takes is willingness, practice, and intelligent training to create successful attempts.

The biggest challenge is often getting past any fears that may arise. We as humans, often limit ourselves with our thoughts before we ever really allow ourselves the opportunity to try.


So, Who Is Slacklining For?

Slacklining lifts you up and supports you. Especially with friends to help. Just ask @fletchffletching and @cobaltchrysalis pictured above.

Slacklining is for kids, adults, teenagers, seniors, males, or females. It’s for individuals who are seeking balance on a physical level as well as a mental level. It’s for anyone and everyone, because the line carries no judgements against any participants. The Slackline is a humble teacher for all who care to become students. Like yoga, slacklining is a practice! The more time, focus and intention you put into your practice, the stronger your connection with it–and yourself.


Slacklining Benefits At A Glance

Here’s a list to check out. For more detailed info keep reading below.

  • Strengthens connection to breath
  • Improves balance
  • Full body and core workout
  • Builds confidence
  • Strengthens and conditions muscles
  • Is calming and meditative
  • Builds discipline skills
  • Stimulates and strengthens hand/eye coordination
Warrior on the line, this will get your muscles fired up.

Let’s take a closer look….

I like that there are obvious benefits like improved balance, and then there are subtle benefits like connection with your breath.  It seems to me, the more you practice, the more the slackline has to offer. It really helps you ignore distraction from everything going on around you–and just focus. This focus helps  you slow down, calm down and engage not only your muscles, but your mind. When you connect the body’s movements with breath, you start to unlock the magic of balance. Keep your breath calm and naturally the body is more relaxed, speed up and shorten the breath and the body gets tight. Slacklining helps you train your breath so you can train your body and mind.

To get a full body workout, just train and play on a line for 15-30 minutes. Customize your workout sessions to target certain muscles groups for strengthening and conditioning. Or just have fun and be silly on the line training new material or old. Either way  you get a workout, and if you train intelligently, you will find success along the way. Intelligent training simply means you should start small and build with progressions towards a set goal, thus creating short-term and long-term success.

When you build your practice with realistic goals and then meet them, it proves to yourself that you are capable. This stimulates your confidence and can help you to achieve goals you may never thought possible. As you practice, you can begin to settle into poses or postures and find calmness. You learn how to strengthen your muscles, while softening them at the same time. There are so many benefits to this practice, you just have to be willing to receive them. Which may mean having to work very hard, thus building your discipline skills.


How Do I Get Started With Slacklining?

This is Pointer pose. One of the first poses I like to teach on the line.

If your interested in exploring a slackline practice, reach out to your local slackline community. If you don’t have a local scene, it’s time to start one. Get yourself some equipment and find a safe spot to set-up.  If you can take a workshop and learn some basics from an experienced slackliner. There are plenty of classes, workshops, and retreats to help you start your practice or take it to the next level. Scroll through the other blogs on this site to find more useful information to help  get you started.

Remember, one step at a time and one breath at time, get you across the line! 


Thanks for reading.



Buddy Thomas